
Watershed site

My pride, my joy, my obsession of two years. The Watershed marketing website.

My pride, my joy, my obsession of two years. The Watershed marketing website.

All about the little details, even in the quick product updates and announcements. Always about the repeatable, systematic, and rapidly executed - but also always beautiful.

While being the Head of Brand Design, I still managed to be very, very involved with the code base…so much ownership. Which is great when you have a team, but during the large swaths of time when there was no developer on our team and I was fielding all bugs in addition to designing and directing the design of all the pages…less fun. But definitely interesting! I was happy to be dragged into the world of NEXT.js, Vercel and Sanity

Over the course of the 2.5 years working on the site, I had the immense privilege of working with:

Designers: Amanda Buzzard, Jacqueline Lau, Jessica Viscius, Lachlan Campbell. Animators: Elizabeth Tae and Mark Teater. Illustrator: Jaedoo Lee. Developers: Lachlan Campbell, Alex Carpenter, Rachel Binx, Mark Teater, Tinloof.